Sunday, January 22, 2012

iStat Menu 2 Cannot Status in Lion

The Problem
After you migrate your Mac OS from Snow Leopard to Lion, iStat Menu 2 still works fine. But when you do some changes of iStat Menu 2, you will get the following error.

"Could not load extra
iStat menus could not load the disk activity extra"

The Solution
First, go to download the latest from SourceForge and mount the disk image(.dmg).
Then, open "" and run the following commends.

sudo killall SystemUIServer
sudo cp -rp /Volumes/MenuCracker\ 2.2/ /Library/Application\ Support/iStat\ local/extras/  (single command)
sudo killall SystemUIServer

Then it will work!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, worked for me. Thanks. I didn't know lines two and three were a single command though.

    Messed it up the first time.

    Norm in Texas.
